Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You win, Luckybuzz. You win.

Four Jobs I've Had
1. ESL/EFL teacher
2. VW repair manual proofreader (pretty close to porn :)
3. waitress in a Chinese restaurant
4. patent goddess

Four places I've lived
1. an attic in Newton
2. a cabin in Vermont
3. twice with various housemates from hell, both times, oddly enough, in Cambridge
4. a tiny room with poetry scrawled on hot pink walls in Barcelona

Four favorite foods
1. just about anything Thai
2. fried clams, bellies and all
3. anything Indian with spinach and cream
4. slivers of manchego cheese topped with green apple slices

Four places I'd rather be
1. in the shade in Spain
2. in the sun in Sweden
3. in a bank counting my lottery winnings
4. here, but with air conditioning

Four movies I can watch over and over
1. Head On
2. Grand Canyon
3. The African Queen
4. Dr. Zhivago

Four TV shows I like to watch
1. America's Next Top Model (hey. It's ART. OK, art-like. OK, it's crazy girls with lipstick.)
2. Lost
3. Mystery
4. Six Feet Under

Four websites I view daily
1. crossword puzzles (can you hear that sucking sound? that's my day...)
2. blogs,
3. blogs, and
4. you, of course!

Four computers I've owned
1. some piece of crap from Radio Shack
2. Compaq
3. IBM Thinkpad
4. Dell laptop

Your turn, DM.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn. Your four places you've lived is just...awesome. I want to hear more about all of them.

And for some reason, #4 in your favorite foods is making me very sorry that I never hit on you. :)

6:09 PM  
Blogger Gospel Bob said...

I loved all of it, but especially the VW manual proofer and the Sunny Sweden - Shady Spain spectrum.

8:43 PM  
Blogger dirty martini & tequila fog said...

Well, there ya go, LB. Another reason to head back east.

10:20 AM  
Blogger dirty martini & tequila fog said...

And GB, thanks for the compliments on my literary illusions.

10:25 AM  

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